9W2CAD (Syaireel)
SeLAmAt dAtAng...!!! weLcOmE..!!!
If you have any comments, please mail them to the my9w2cad@gmail.comThank you and enjoy !!! 73's de 9W2CAD/ Merci beaucoup pour votre visite!

I was born on 21 December 1974.My QTH is Butterworth,Penang MALAYSIA.I'm married with two adorable sons.I have some experience in forwarding and shipping because I have worked with Malaysia International Shipping Corporation(MISC) before I started my own business.My company is Galaxie Computer Centre(GCC).I'm dealing with sales,servicing and networking.I've started this business about 10 years ago.I've known about this hobby 6 years ago from a friend but I didn't get the chance to explore it.Only last year I got into this hobby and took the RAE on 26 November 2006 .I received my APPARATUS ASSIGNMENT on 04 January 2007 (01420503-000SU/122007). I'm using V8000-Icom for mobilling and handy rig with V24 special (height :60' from the ground) at home.I hope to make more friends and get to know more about this hobby.
Station Operator: SHAIRIL Rizal Saad

"Ham: a poor operator. A 'plug.'"That's the definition of the word given in G. M. Dodge's The Telegraph Instructor even before radio. The definition has never changed in wire telegraphy. The first wireless operators were landline telegraphers who left their offices to go to sea or to man the coastal stations. They brought with them their language and much of the tradition of their older profession.In those early days, spark was king and every station occupied the same wavelength-or, more accurately perhaps, every station occupied the whole spectrum with its broad spark signal. Government stations, ships, coastal stations and the increasingly numerous amateur operators all competed for time and signal supremacy in each other's receivers. Many of the amateur stations were very powerful. Two amateurs, working each other across town, could effectively jam all the other operations in the area. When this happened, frustrated commercial operators would call the ship whose weaker signals had been blotted out by amateurs and say "SRI OM THOSE #&$!@ HAMS ARE JAMMING YOU."Amateurs, possibly unfamiliar with the real meaning of the term, picked it up and applied it to themselves in true "Yankee Doodle" fashion and wore it with pride. As the years advanced, the original meaning has completely disappeared.-Louise Ramsey Moreau W3WRE/WB6BBO
The Q Code
The Q Code came into being internationally in 1912 to overcome the language problems involved in communications by radio among ships and shore stations of all countries. The original list of 50 adopted by international agreement in London contain many which are still familiar to amateur operators-QRN, QRM, QSO, the traffic operator's QRK, QSY and QRV -are now well past the half-century mark in continuous usage. QSL still has the official 1912 definition despite the changed informal usages it is subjected to in amateur parlance.The QN signals for amateur net operation were introduced in the late 1930s by W1UE (now W4IA) to lighten the burdens of net control operators.